
Offers a Wide Range of Rice Platter For Every Tradition – From Biryani to Kheer, Flavor it up with T2Ozzz.

We work directly with the Retailers so that they can supply and promote healthy rice while still making a profitT2Ozzz is on a mission to enhance the taste of every traditional recipe. T2Ozzz is known to pour love and energy into mastering the art of producing the perfect rice for every occasion – be it Baisakhi, Ramadan, or Janmashtmi. From Biryani to Kheer to Pulao, T2Ozzz provides premium speciality varieties packaged according to the customer’s needs. A perfect blend of taste and aroma for every occasion. T2Ozzz believes in exploring different cultures and producing the finest produce for every dish — thus turning expectations into reality with a journey from paddy to plate. Convenience stores, local business owners, Kirana stores, supermarkets, grocery stores, etc. in collaboration with us are catering for the consumers directly.

Jai Hind

Farmer’s Special, Authentic Rice Right from the Roots

Jai Hind offers the purest original grains with the Indian farmer’s care, exclusively for every kitchen. These finest grains are grown in home conditions in the foothills of the Himalayas. Jai Hind offers a unique experience of aroma, taste, and texture of rice that can not be found elsewhere as it pursues excellence at every step. Jai Hind is deeply committed to our tradition of bringing the most authentic meal to your table. With a passion for flavour, it is committed to providing consumers and customers with the highest quality products.

Soil India

From Our Soil to Your Plate — We Get You To Relish The Nature’s Finest Grains
Soil India is our special range that has its heart tied to the Indian soil. It has an offering grown in the foothills of the Himalayas, which adds to the natural flavour and aroma simply by being the fertile rice ground that it is.
Its produce is authentically grown and aged, manufactured organically without chemicals. The result is a truly exotic smelling and tasting rice that brings true Indian quality to curries and dishes like biryani or pulao.

Tohana Star

Enjoy The Taste of Eating Right With Tohana

Tohana Star is a leading supplier and manufacturer of the rich colour, full-bodied flavour, and whole grain goodness of rice.
Tohana’s produce is aged with expert-level precision, which gives out the finest long grains. Tohana also ensures that with every bite the consumer can taste the Authentic flavour & purity in every grain of rice.

RR (Rajendra Rice)

Aroma & Taste Beyond Compare — Just Anytime & Anywhere

With harvesting, the finest produce from nature comes a solemn responsibility to package only the best speciality grains for families across the world.
RR’s seamlessly integrated operations have access and control over the entire supply chain from farm to meal plate.
The reflection of RR’s commitment leads it to become the most sought-after Rice Brand across the globe.


Newest offering in the family of our finest cultivated rice family, Irha rice has everything to scintillate your taste buds.

Irha rice is the newest & one of the finest cultivated rice in the leading manufactured rice family of RRM. It is one of the most in-demand rice in our global supply chain too.

Irha rice is the result of decades of ancestral cultivation heritage combined with modern scientific ways to handpick each grain of rice & packed with love to scintillate your taste buds.

We understand the diversity in culture as well as the way people cook food in different parts of the world. As the market leader of wholesome excellence Irha’s long grain basmati rice resonates with luxury and grandeur suitable for every meal table.